The UIC School of Design is built on the foundations of the Basel School of Design. These are a series of iterative projects created using foundational exercises popularized at the legendary school

Lauren Nichols

Fall 2021

Megan Ferrill

Fall 2021

Phillip Burton

Spring 2023

Retiring 2023.

Dawn Joseph

Fall 2022

Beginning in our Foundation year we spend a considerable amount of time working with primary shapes and a simple grid. Learning to understand how forms interact with one another in an abstract way allowed us the freedom to push boundaries later.

Typography II: Systems - Interview between April Greiman and Josh Smith, in the style of Greiman

InDesign, Photoshop, Digital Photography

My Typography studies under the iconic Phillip Burton in my second semester focused on Systems of type. Throughout my time with him, I have pushed myself to think out of the box and out of the computer screen. I still get a lot of satisfaction in returning to analog processes to inform my digital design work.